Friday, January 25, 2019

What Questions To Ask Before Renting a Forklift

Renting a forklift is a cost-effective method that will make you save some revenue. Usually, when you want to rent a forklift, it means that you need it for a quick task after which you won't require anymore till a later date. A quick search on the internet may give a list of companies offering forklift renting services. But really what's the best company to pick? Don't be in a rush to make such a crucial decision because you might end up losing a lot of your hard-earned cash.

There are a variety of companies that rent forklifts to their clients. Most of them try to serve their customers with utmost sincerity while others want to use shortcuts. That is why you need great sobriety when making such a decision. After going through several options, you might find used forklifts for sale and make a purchase if it is necessary.

Here are some of the fundamental questions that you need to ask before renting an electric forklift.

What is the maximum weight of the items that you need to lift?

The weight of the items that need to be lifted is significant. One mistake that most people do is failing to inspect the weight of goods that need to be carried. You may end up picking a forklift that won't lift all the items as required.

This is also advantageous to the companies that rent the forklifts because no damage will be caused due to overloading. Therefore, both parties should play a part in determining the maximum weight that needs to be carried by the forklift.

How high do you need to lift the Cargo?

The maximum height of the cargo lift should also be determined. Pick a forklift that will get to the highest working rack. For instance, you can't choose a forklift that only reaches a maximum height of 4 m high yet your rack is 5 m tall.

What is the Environment of Work?

This is another crucial question that you need to ask yourself before renting a forklift. Different forklifts are fit for different environments. For example, when working in an indoor setup, it is advisable to pick electric forklifts. This is because diesel forklifts emit poisonous fumes, which may cause health hazards in such configurations.

Also, consider the space that the forklift will be operating in. There are forklifts designed to be used in close and tight spaces while others are designed for open spaces. Also, the type of surface that the forklift will be used on is an important factor to consider. Make sure that it is stable enough to resist the pressure implied by the forklift.

What duration do you expect the Work to last?

Determine how long you will need to rent the forklift. This gives you a rough idea of the rental options that you need to pick from. It also helps you to avoid monthly charges that may result due to overstaying with the forklift.

Renting a good forklift is a cost-friendly option that will see you save more revenues and use them for a different job. Follow this simple guide and get the best forklift suitable for the work at hand.

Getting The Most Out of Your Forklift Rental

Forklift rental is cost effective and convenient way of ensuring that the operations in business are going on uninterrupted during times of high volumes thus eliminating productivity losses. This kind of business arrangement allows you to optimize resources and space available as during low volumes; you do not need to store expensive equipment that is not operational.

Availability of Forklifts

There are available used forklift for sale that can be acquired at discounted prices, and these too are available to rent

Using Forklift to Manage Seasonal Changes

All business establishments have peak seasons, low seasons and normal seasons. Renting forklifts during busy seasons will help the business operations during peak seasons, and this will be cost efficient as during normal and low volume seasons the business does not need to incur any storage and maintenance costs on the forklifts.

How to use a Forklift Rental to Solve Capacity Problem

Forklift rental is ideal to provide extra resources during busy seasons when volumes are high. This may be brought about by unexpected growth in sales which may result from new entry of high volume customers, mergers, expansions or a favourable season. Forklift rental will ensure that operations are seamless.

What else can a Forklift be Used for?

Other than adding resources during busy seasons, a rented electric forklift can provide solutions to other business problems as highlighted below;
  • Providing additional equipment when business increases its number of shifts
  • Provide alternative equipment when company trucks are undergoing repairs and maintenance
  • Provide assistance while conducting stock takes
  • Fill in capacity gaps as the business waits for delivery of purchased equipment

Managing Capital Expenditure

Forklift rental allows the business to solve equipment needs without incurring the cost of purchasing the equipment. Further, the cost of renting is incurred when there is need hence the business does not incur long term costs and does not need to have an unused forklift in its assets register.

The information you will require to rent a forklift

Before renting a forklift, you will need to check on the following information
  1. Load capacity
  2. Product length
  3. Lifting height
  4. Product packaging
  5. Operating environment
  6. Turning radius and aisle width
  7. Rental duration

What is a Typical Forklift Cycle?

Normal billing cycle for forklift rental is monthly, but daily and weekly billing are available depending on the duration of rent and the renter specifications.

What is the Best Way to Save Money When I Rent a Forklift?

The longer the rental period, the better the rate, the term to secure the best rate is at least 3 months.

Lastly, it is important to read and understand the terms of rental agreement.

How Raymond Electric Forklifts Improved Material Handling Industry

The first day of June 1992, was the most important day for George, G. Raymond Sr. On this day, Raymond Sr. took over as the president of Lyon Iron Works— a small family-owned company in the upstate village of Greene, NY. Raymond Corporation is about to celebrate its 100 years of service in the material handling industry.

Over the years, the guidance of George, G. Raymond Sr. not only transformed the company from an iron foundry firm into an innovative manufacturer of materials handling equipment but it has become the leading producer of Raymond Electric Forklifts in the United States.

Raymond Corporation Core Value

Under the 40 years of George, G. Raymond Sr.' leadership, this company grew and prospered. These three core values guided both Raymond Sr. and Jr.:
  • Innovation,
  • Quality, and
  • Service.
Even the leadership that took over from Raymond Sr. was faithful to the three core values. The corporation is recognized with hundreds of cutting-edge inventions. It became the first company to be granted patents for being the leading company to manufacture:
  • The first electric reach truck,
  • The first and premium electric narrow-aisle lift truck, and
  • The first electric double deep reach truck.

Today's forklift trucks, both new and used forklift for sale, are literally the descendants of Raymond's inventions and are very familiar to everyone in the material handling industry.

The Pioneer of the mobile forklifts

In the early 50s, Raymond Corporation answered the need in the material handling industry. It filled the market niche for new and expanded distribution and servicing by expanding its wide array of products to include the first mobile forklifts with electrical and hydraulic systems. Today, these electrical forklifts have been integrated with a computerized control system to improve on efficiency, capacity, and versatility.

Raymond Automated Material Handling Forklifts With Cutting-Edge Vision-guided Technology

In early 2012, Raymond Corporation announced that it is working together with Seedgrid in developing automated forklifts with integrated state-of-the-art vision-guided technology with Raymond pallet trucks. This technology provides simple, flexible automation solutions with minimal system constraints. These Raymond Electrical Forklifts utilize open architecture with a standardized interface to provide state-of-the-art electrical forklift with both man-on and man-off automated functionality.

Industry Solutions: Material Handling Equipment for Material handling Industry

Raymond Electric Forklifts provide the best solutions in material handling industries that is usually characterized by thousands of items of varying size, shape, and weight packed in boxes and other storage mediums. Heavy loads, narrow paths, and precise right angle stacking are among the challenges that Raymond electrical forklifts are designed to solve. If you are looking for a used forklift for sale, Raymond is the best for all your material handling needs.

How Cat Electric Forklifts Can Help Managing Your Warehouse Better

According to a 2010 research by Economics for Equity and environment, for every 10,000 hours of use, IC engine forklifts emit approximately 12,000 pounds of carbon emissions than cat electric forklifts.

As green technology continues to be integrated into industrial processes electric forklifts have come in handy. And the good news is that you don't have to spend a lot of money acquiring a new cat electric forklift; you can go for a used forklift for sale that is quite affordable.

Electric forklifts allow you to do more work with less power hence delivering sustainability. For your warehouse operations, electric forklifts are ideal since they are quick and easy to operate.

With lift heights of up to seven meters, these machines are ideal for a wide range of wide warehouse operations. Here are some of the ways electric forklifts can help in managing your warehouse better.

Save on Your Fuel Costs

If you are running a warehouse, your primary goal is to make profits. Therefore, you need to explore all possible ways of saving money to increase revenue. The good news is that electric forklifts from Caterpillar provide EPA-approved warehouse forklifts that can save warehouse owners substantial amounts of money on fuel costs.

Fully-electric warehouse forklifts will maximize your savings since no gasoline or petroleum-based products are needed to operate these machines. Any warehouse business that converts to fully electric forklifts can expect to save a lot of money each year.

Cat Forklifts Are Designed for Small Facilities

If yours is a small warehouse, there is no need to worry since there is something for you in the market. Some cat electric forklifts are designed for small facilities since they feature closed heights of less than 2 meters.

This enables the forklift to pass easily through the doorways and even corridors. The small chassis of an electric forklift increases maneuverability since it has a smaller turning radius compared to the petroleum-based forklifts.

This enhancement is perfect for small warehouses since it reduces the risk of operator error.

More Work, Less Maintenance

While some people argue that electric forklifts are more expensive than their IC operated counterparts, this isn't true. The fact is that when you add the acquisition cost plus the overall cost of running a simple electric forklift, you will discover that they are the most affordable option.

Although the initial cost of acquiring an electric forklift may be a little bit high, these machines offer significantly lower operating and maintenance costs. They provide greater energy efficiency compared to the ICE equipment plus less noise pollution.

Furthermore, electric forklifts don't require spark plugs, oil, pistons or catalytic converters that are highly prone to tear and wear. Electric forklifts will also save you a lot of money in repair costs.

What You Need To Know About Hyster Electric Forklifts

From the concept to the launching, every new Hyster forklift undergoes a well planned development process in distinct stages. Each stage confirms the machine will deliver all expected benefits to future users. Below are some of the many specifications advantages the Hyster Electric Forklifts have over its competitors:

• Operator Comfort

When operating a forklift for an entire shift, comfort is an essential feature. Hyster provides a full suspension seat with restraint system and a spacious operator compartment, creating a comfortable working environment. The well-thought design of the forklift prevents the operator's body from vibrating and keeping noise levels down. The operator also does not have to step up as high to enter the unit, which is great for anyone constantly on and off the lift and conveniently located controls.

• Increased Visibility and Safety

Safety is always the top priority, and the Hyster forklifts are all about safety. Hyster's units provide optimal all-round visibility from the operator's full suspension seat. Objects and people that are close to a forklift can sometimes be hard to see when operating other units but not so with Hyster. Operators can easily maintain visibility at any range. The parking brake automatically engages, and the overhead guard also provides greater protection to the operator.

• Low Total Cost of Maintenance

All Hyster forklifts are created for maximum productivity, low operational costs and longer service intervals. For example, the oil brakes are protected from harsh environs, minimizing brake maintenance. The Eco fuel efficiency can be put on to help reduce fuel consumption by up to 20%, while the Auto-Deceleration system can support up to a 50% reduction in tires and brake wear. Load sensing hydraulics are also available, which boost productivity and lower fuel consumption, leading to overall low operating costs.

• Reliable Engine

A reliable engine is at the core of a productive and dependable forklift. With powerful engines, Hyster models are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, with diesel and LPG options. Proven to continuously lift loads of higher capacity, operating on steep places, working long hours and in dusty harsh weather conditions. These tough forklifts are designed to perform consistently in the face of multiple challenges.

• Customization Options

The Hyster engineering team also provide tailored solutions to meet all the clients' specific handling needs. A wide variety of value-added customization solutions are available to offer all-around benefits in industrial applications; they include overload detection, weighing systems, intelligent seatbelt, weather protection features, raised operator cabin, air conditioning for cabins and more.

• Warranty Terms

Warranty terms are often an indicator of reliability when selecting a forklift. The warranty for Hyster models was recently extended to 2 years or 4000 hours. Factory fitted add-ons also come with an option of two-year or 4000-hour warranty.

The above features combined with the many other extensive benefits when you choose to work with Hyster forklifts you are selecting a leading brand. The company manufacture machines with cutting edge technology, and they are continually developing their products to serve their customers better.

What Sets Yale Electric Forklifts Apart From The Rest?

Ever since Yale made their first Electric Forklifts in 1923, the company has been on the forefront towards manufacturing the best cargo lifting machines. Of course, there has been a transition because initially, they used to make diesel and propane fuel forklifts, but they now have also ventured into the electric forklift field. What makes them stand out from their peers is the experience garnered over the years of operation. Most forklift companies are protégés of Yale.

Nowadays companies have ventured into the act of renting forklifts because it is cheaper to do so especially if you want to use the forklifts over a short duration. However, you can also find used forklift for sale at a lower price than the new ones.

Electric Forklifts from Yale are the best alternatives for their diesel or propane fuel counterparts. They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors to give clients varieties to pick from. Before purchasing any forklift ensure that it will carry the maximum weight of your cargo to the maximum available height. Yale Electric Forklifts don't disappoint when it comes to delivering results as per the specs provided in their manual. Here are some reasons why they’re better than the rest.

Low Maintenance Cost

Yale Electric Forklifts need less fluid replacement, unlike their counterparts that need to be serviced regularly when their coolants or filters break down. Generally, they have lower lost hours due to breakdown and maintenance downtime.

Moreover, they have less energy consumption. A recent study showed that per 8-hour shift the electric forklifts only need $2.50 to $5.0 to be charged. On the other hand, their competitors spent a relatively larger amount. As a result, those who use them will save more revenue and channel it towards a different project.

Lower Purchasing Price

The cost of buying a new electric forklift is relatively low as compared to other models like Hyster. What is fascinating about this is that both companies are under the same assembling entity meaning that they have similar parts. They are different brands providing the same forklift models, yet Yale has a cheaper alternative. If you are working on a fixed budget, then go for Yale Electric Forklifts.

Better Value of Money

NACCO makes most of the available forklift machines. This means that their components are identical since the same assembly line makes them. However, Yale offers a cheaper alternative meaning you'll get the same electric forklift at a relatively lower price.

Yale has a proven track record of producing the best electric forklifts at a lower price. Through its years of existence, they have been able to come up with better cargo lifting machines.

Crown Electric Forklift Battery: Is It Good?

Crown Electric Forklift battery is a world-class heavy duty battery engineered for performance, endurance, reliability, and power. Crown batteries are the best for forklift trucks and other heavy-duty machinery that are mostly used in material handling industries for heavy lifting.

Material handling industries have different types of electric forklifts. The types of these equipment are classified according to the task they do and the places they are designed to operate in; closed or open spaces. Every electrical forklift with varying carrying capacity, lifting ability, and maneuverability requires a reliable and powerful battery.

An electrical forklift is a battery powered industrial material handling truck usually used over short distances. Forklifts were developed a century ago and had undergone through various transformation and advancement. Every electric forklift require a battery that is:


The batteries of Crown electric forklifts are manufactured to last long. They are reliable and safe throughout its service time. With Crown, customers are given a hundred percent quality guarantee.
Crown batteries can serve for more than 6000 hours. Notably, it is easy to increase the lifespan of the crown battery by recharging it when its charge has dropped to twenty percent. Electric crown batteries always maintain a high and quality standard of excellence that ensures that your equipment is always ready to work at all time.

Their durability and productivity are what makes them stand out from the rest in the market. Crown electric forklift batteries are heavy duty batteries that provide reliable power.

The battery life can be extended up to forty percent if it is well maintained. It increases the performance of the electric forklift battery performance and the expenses incurred.

Environmental Friendly

Crown batteries are the most recommended forklifts for use with electrical forklifts. The battery last for more than fifteen hundred cycles or shift. It approximates an average of five years when are optimally used for three hundred days in a year to provide safe power.

The batteries popularity has risen quickly due to increased fuel cost in the market. Crown batteries have captured the attention of the majority since it helps reducing environment pollution such as global warming, corrosion of iron associated with fluid cells.

Value-Based Price

The price of acquiring the crown electric battery is pocket-friendly. They are value based and are guaranteed to function optimally at all the time. When the batteries cells are well taken care of the customers, customers enjoy the benefit of its durability.